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How To Price Your Services As A Small Business Owner

How To Price Your Services As A Small Business Owner

Pricing your services correctly is one of the most difficult parts of being a small business owner. On the one hand, you understandably want to price yourself competitively, but you don’t want to sell yourself short, either. Profit, cash flow and...

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5 ways bookkeeping can help your small business grow

5 ways bookkeeping can help your small business grow

Introduction Running a small business can be tough - there are many challenges that small business owners face daily. However, maintaining accurate and consistent financial records doesn’t need to be one of them - and it’s a great way to help your...

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How to Set Ambitious Yet Realistic Goals

How to Set Ambitious Yet Realistic Goals

Adjusting your goals and expectations to what's within your possibilities will ensure your success. Not to mention, it can help you avoid unrealistic planning frustrations.  Having reasonable goals can be a driving force behind individual, team,...

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